Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Interest Group Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Interest Group Politics - rise ExampleSomething must defecate really happened but the truth could only be revealed by those considered non useful in the industry but they indeed have a lot of underground information.Blaming the disappointment to effectively control the smoking of cigarettes in the US on politics as suggested by Sapolsky is in all wrong and short sighted. Even though there is huge political influence from the politicians that is not all the reason cigarette smoking is still persistent in the US (Sapolsky 8). The author of this article would have explored the profits the companies make and how the market is widely providing taxes and hence the protection and control is coming from people with oftentimes more influence and more money than the politicians. There are many people with vested interest in continuation of cigarette smoking.In as much as large organizations can move presently and not through lobbyist, their success localize compared to that of organiz ations (no matter how minor) that use lobby groups to advocate for changes in social intercourse is way higher (Hojnacki and David 778). The article by Hojnacki and Kimball would have been more convincing if they had indicated figures on the success rate of such major organizations because research about lobbyists suggest

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