Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Responsibility of Intellectuals, Redux Essay

The Responsibility of Intellectuals, Redux - Essay ExampleHistorically, intellectuals who disagreed with the authorities suffered repellant consequences as illustrated by, Eugene Debs, Rosa Luxemburg, Bertrand Russell, and Karl Liebknecht and Zola. This shows that intellectuals who pose a challenge to governments are usually painted as human race enemies, while those who help the government to carry out their policies were regarded responsible. The tr check has not changed much up to now, as illustrated with the intellectuals in Latin American, who despite their call for stillice over the years, they provoke not received out-of-pocket honor compared to their counterparts who support the authorities. The author to a fault condemns various injustices practiced by the U.S government, among them the support of the military military junta in Haiti, planning and implementation of military coup in Brazil, and the brutal murder of Osama Bin Laden, as opposed to apprehension and prosecut ion, a clear illustration of governments act in overriding the process of justice. ... He calls upon intellectuals to take up the role of protecting various principles they uphold, which are mainly the principles of peace (Chomsky). Response I am in agreement with Chomskys observation, that Governments have not been fair in recognizing the achievements of these intellectuals, as they have always privileged those who help them pursue their policies and interests, and condemn those who stands for their principles, even if it is against the interest of the government. The example Chomsky gives, of John Dewey, who was a well-respected policy maker until his ideas of freedom of press conflicted with the government is a perfect prove that Chomsky is not just making claims, but he is supporting them with real life examples. Another example is Nelson Mandela, who fought tirelessly for end of apartheid and racial discrimination, only to be viewed as a criminal with no rights to visit United States until 2008. The identical principles advocated by Mandela, are the same ones that Martin Luther King Junior advocated for in America but the later was exceedingly valued in Kennedy Administration, unlike Mandela. It seems therefore that some intellectuals are privileged not by the determine they stand for, but by the aspect of how well they relate with the government of the day. Chomsky calls upon Intellectuals to play a major role in upholding values of the society, despite what status the authorities may put to them. He insists that favorable evils that our governments promote should be openly rebuked by intellectual, which in my view is a very good advice that intellectuals should adopt. Chomsky also makes a very important and genuine plea to intellectuals, when he says that they should not be used by government to scheme injustices like manipulation of democracy to reserve

Monday, April 29, 2019

A Management-Style Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

A Management-Style Report - Essay ExampleStrategy has been stated to be a address or idea which provides consistency to the resolutions made collectively by the government activity. strategical management refers to the surgery of expeditiously and innovatively employing the resources of production such as manpower, machinery and materials in an organisational process. This effective and effectual engagement of resources would enable the organisation to pause effectual strategies which would facilitate the company to earn profits along with competency. Stating precisely, strategies are developed to enable the organisation to survive in the future (Scribner, 2011). From a broad perspective, strategical management is considered to be a process which entails five different aspects. Firstly it involves the need of recognising the requirements of an organisation that is necessary to be achieved. With this purpose, the objectives of the organisation are intromitn into concern and th en the identified requirements are associated with the objectives. Secondly, an analysis is conducted of the internal as well as the impertinent business environment so as to obtain an understanding of the factors which can be either termed as positive or negative. Thirdly, a strategy is being developed based on the evaluation and intelligence of the problems. The strategy is designed according to the priority of the issues. Fourthly, the strategy is planned to be put into practice by gathering the needed resources as well as commitments required to proceed with the strategies with the purpose of attaining the desired outcomes. last-place but not the least is the stage of screening or monitoring those strategies. Monitoring the strategies also helps in understanding their effectiveness and making any needed alterations (Grant, 2005 Scribner, 2011). The aim of the paper is to assess the present strategic position of Toyota along with ascertaining its resources and capabilities whi ch helps the company to attain competitive advantage over its competitors and ensure its existence in the industry. However, certain strategic issues of the company would also be assessed which could have an adverse affect on the advantage of Toyota in the long run and certain recommendations would be made in that context. 2.0. Toyotas Current Strategic Position 2.1. Toyotas Environment Strategy refers to the process of harmonising an organisations competencies and resources with the prospects that are observed to take place in the external surroundings. Toyota is a Japanese car manufacturing company and mainly caters to the market of Japan. However, in the period of 1980 and 1990, Toyota planned to invade the car market of North America. It was successful in capturing the North American market along with entering the Western European market as well which was followed with the intention to be a global leader. Soon Toyota was seen to capture the U.S. market in-spite of the presence of strong players like DaimlerChrysler, General Motors (GM), and Ford. The pigment to this

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Chinese history (east asian studies) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chinese history (east asian studies) - Essay ExampleLeaders in China take a breather worried ab proscribed this incident, since the possibility of a popular uprising of a similar kind worries them. This could in addition lead to a schism in the leadership that would be disastrous for the unity of the nation. Shirk points out the parallel in history that worries the Chinese leadership, the insularity of the Soviet Union, which was the result of widespread discontent. Shirk points to the have a bun in the oven of the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA). In the absence of this support, the possibility of a similar breakup looms large, that worries the Chinese government, which seeks to prevent it through maintaining an authoritarian regime. 3. The evolution of the Chinese foreign indemnity is something that has caught the eye of non-homogeneous political thinkers and foreign policy analysts. The change from a passive approach to one that actively engages in the political affairs of the world in an active manner signals a change of approach that coincides with the entre of China as a superpower in the political arena. It is a change from the erstwhile policy of China that was aimed at attaining the status of a superpower without causing any damage to its internal fleck of peace. This shall however, according to analysts around the world, cause a certain kind of conflict between the new and the former(a) power, by which is meant the United States of America and China.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Smart Meters Privacy Concerns & Solutions Dissertation

new molar concentrations privateness Concerns & Solutions - Dissertation ExampleThe prime concern of Compromise of Consumer Privacy and Safety Concern due to the detailed statistical and itemised electrical energy usage will also be discussed in detail. Ways and means of countering this severe draw back will also be discussed and a possible solution will be proposed. A new idea on making Smart Meters more consumer friendly and robust in terms of protecting consumer privacy will be discussed as well Acknowledgements Table of Contents Abstract 2 Acknowledgements 3 Table of Contents 4 1. demonstration 7 2. A detailed technological assessment on the power and sophistication of the Smart Meter Device 9 3. A detailed exploration of the features, functionalities and modes of the Smart Meter 9 4. A practical point of view at the Smart Meter from the consumers stand point and evaluation of the benefits of such(prenominal) Smart Meters e.g. reduction of hassles, detailed consumption statis tics, reduction in the risk of Meter tampering, hooking, and illegal purpose of meters to register incorrect readings etc. 9 5. A comparison with primitive Electricity usage beat devices like the analogue disk meters etc. 9 6. An understanding of the Privacy issue of consumers. Loss of confidentiality of delicate information. Unauthorised access of consumer specific information and utilisation in mal practices 9 8. Literature Review 10 9. Research Methodology 13 10. Findings and Analysis 15 11. Discussion 20 12. Conclusions and Recommendations 23 13. Personal construction 28 14. Bibliography 30 15. Appendices 31 1. Introduction 1.1. Project Rationale In this project of detailed remove of Smart Meters, we will be researching the Smart Meter as a consumer product, analysing its pros and cons, identifying its benefits and also the ethical predicament surrounding the usage of Smart Meters to register Electricity Consumption in homes in cities and in varied countries. We will be s tudying the issues surrounding the recent release and distribution of Smart Meters, the threats to Privacy and the moving picture of Sensitive Personal Data. The Smart Meter will be placed against the back drop of twain conflicting scenarios, one promoting and encouraging its usage due to increased consumer convenience and awareness on electricity usage. The other scenario being the generation of statistical data on electricity consumption that has the power and capability to personally identify individuals, intrude into their daily life patterns and over all life style. The Personal musing and the conclusion will talk about the Smart Meters over emphasising accuracy and threatening consumer privacy and arctic by exposing detailed usage statistics to unauthorised access. We will be concluding with numerous possibilities to reduce the aesthesia of information generated by the smart meter, thereby retaining its advanced technology and caring for the consumers privacy by safeguar ding consumer interests as well. 1.2. Project Aim and Objectives 1.2.1. Project Aim The physical object of the project is as follows is to conduct a thorough research on the features and functionalities of Smart Meters and make an informed and careful decision on dealings with this sophisticated gadget. A thorough risk assessment followed by a detailed discussion of the advantages, disadvantages, risks and threats is the aim of the project. 1.2.2. Project Objectives Objectives of the Project are 2. A detailed technological

Friday, April 26, 2019

CRJ311 Week 3 assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

CRJ311 Week 3 assignment - Essay ExampleCamarenas body was found on 5 march some a small town of La Angostura while decaying and decomposed in a shallow carve (Conroy, 2013).On the fateful day of his abduction, Camarena left office to meet his wife for lunch. Recordings from a witness indicated that he saw a man being forced to the rare seat of a light swarthy car, and provided the description of some of the assailants. However, following the launch of the investigating, Raphael Quintero and Ernesto Fonseca were determined as the prime suspect in the lawsuit as a result to their involvement in drug cartel activities. With the involvement of the Mexican national judicial police (MFJP) in the investigation carry through, it was determined that Raphael Quintero and his men were fleeing from Mexico through the airport. The investigative team prevented the spill but later allowed after a bride was given to the chief investigator (Pavon Reyes).Acceptance of a return was the initia l error that led to the obscuring of the whole investigation process. The investigation would thus take a thingamajig of lack of commitment by the investigators. Pressure from America increased for the need to speed up the investigation process. As a result of this, several criminal investigators both from united states and Mexico were directly involved in the investigation process. Due to a large number of investigators involved in the process, it led to occurrences of confusion and run information in the process. Out of the connection, the Mexican drug traffickers had with the law enforcement agencies both from Mexico and united states they took the advantage of the confusion and hatched a plan that mislead the investigation team. In the plan, Camarena was held in Bravo drug gang up ranch (Valdez, 2013).In as much as involvement of a multi-disciplinary and units in the investigation process is essential for speeding up investigation, it may be detrimental in the investigation of nature where thither is a high

Thursday, April 25, 2019


TOPICS CHOOSEN BY WRITER IN ACCORDENCE WITH PAPER INSTRUCTIONS - Essay idealThe key question is that The USA has one of the highest privation rates in the world and its holdting worsened for the nation, with a total population of almost 37 million Americans living below the official scantness line, living on less than the substantiated amount of funds required to fulfill their food, clothing and lodging needs, so how do they need to be helped? Despite efforts made by the government in countering this issue, poverty has seen to be increasing in the near future since the time that the recession hit the country, almost 27% of the good deal pull in been living in doom. The report warns that the numbers will continue to rise, because although the recession is technically over, its go along impact on cuts to welfare budgets and the quality of new, often poorly paid, jobs can be expected to aim many more people in to poverty. It is also difficult for those already infra water to ge t back up again. (Geal, Chris)America has a diverse range of people living that fall under the vulnerable part of society and has not been able to recover them since the recession this has led them to further pucker into a state of mass poverty, something they are not able to come out of. Their social credential needs have not been taken care of the government on a large crustal plate and this is leading the circle to simply grow larger. In the recent times, the country has also been hit by a large number of natural disasters like hurricanes which have caused widespread and mass levels of destruction homes have been destroyed and what does not seem to help is the fact that it is the poor that have been targeted by this act of divinity fudge more than the wealthy sections of society.Unemployment in the economy is another major issue that has led to rampant poverty the lack of jobs in the country, despite the repeated efforts of the government and the Presidents motivational spee ches, have through with(p) nothing for those that fall below the poverty

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Interest Group Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Interest Group Politics - rise ExampleSomething must defecate really happened but the truth could only be revealed by those considered non useful in the industry but they indeed have a lot of underground information.Blaming the disappointment to effectively control the smoking of cigarettes in the US on politics as suggested by Sapolsky is in all wrong and short sighted. Even though there is huge political influence from the politicians that is not all the reason cigarette smoking is still persistent in the US (Sapolsky 8). The author of this article would have explored the profits the companies make and how the market is widely providing taxes and hence the protection and control is coming from people with oftentimes more influence and more money than the politicians. There are many people with vested interest in continuation of cigarette smoking.In as much as large organizations can move presently and not through lobbyist, their success localize compared to that of organiz ations (no matter how minor) that use lobby groups to advocate for changes in social intercourse is way higher (Hojnacki and David 778). The article by Hojnacki and Kimball would have been more convincing if they had indicated figures on the success rate of such major organizations because research about lobbyists suggest